'I'm Not Gay! (But if I was, would you have sex with me?)' at the Theatre Stdio Inc

Daniel Guyton

The Theatre Studio, Inc. Presents 'I'm Not Gay!(But if I was, would you have sex with me?), a comedy written and directed by Daniel Guyton, at the Theatre Studio Inc from the 10 - 18 Jun 2005.

Synopsis: Gary and Michael start the day on an elevator together. A long elevator. Too long, in fact. You see, Gary is a homophobe, and Michael, well, Michael likes other men. Together, they form an odd comedic duo - only in this pairing, the "funny guy" is straight, whereas the "straight man" is. well, gay. As the play continues on, stereotypes upon stereotypes get reversed and exploded and explored in this insanely dark farce - similar in style to South Park and American Psycho - as we meet the spouses, lovers and religious leaders who inspire Gary to ask, "If I have sex with a man, will that make me gay?"

The cast features: Ron Michaud (Gary), Mike Manza (Michael), Jeff Macklin (The Priest), Jonathan Desley (Jared), Brett Glasser (Sera), and Lisa Monda (Timmy).

'I'm Not Gay!(But if I was, would you have sex with me?) premiered in Reykjavic, Iceland in January 2005, and ran for four months under the translated title 'Eg Er Ekki Hommi!'

This show will mark the New York City debut of 'I'm Not Gay!(But if I was, would you have sex with me?), and cast and crew have very high hopes for its success. An excerpt from this play won "Best Comedy" from the Author's Playhouse New Author's Festival, and two film crews are currently vying for the screenplay.

The shows publicity warns "This play is highly controversial, with language and subject matter to make even Howard Stern blush."

Originally published on

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