Frequently Asked Questions

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What are the differences between Broadway and Off-Broadway theatres?

A theatre is defined as a Broadway theatre if it has a minimum of 500 seats. All but one are also located in the central Theatre District between 41st and 54th Streets and 6th and 8th Avenues. 

A theatre is defined as an off-Broadway theatre if it has 100 - 499 seats and is located in Manhattan. Theatres with under 100 seats are classed as off-off-Broadway.

Find out more about New York theatres here. 

How far in advance should I purchase tickets?

Broadway theatre tickets can be very popular, so we advise to book theatre tickets as early as possible. However, if you're looking to book last-minute Broadway tickets, many shows will have tickets for performances a few days in advance or even on the same day. 

Get theatre tickets in New York here.

Are theatres open seven days a week on Broadway?

No. The majority of New York theatres are closed on Monday nights. Other productions may perform on a Monday evening, and be closed on a different day of the week. When booking theatre tickets on New York Theatre Guide, you'll be able to see the performance schedule of all shows. 

Are theatres open on public holidays on Broadway?

Theatres tend to be open on public holidays, except Thanksgiving and Independence Day. The performance schedules also vary during the Christmas / New Year week and often have extra matinee performances.

When do new shows open on Broadway?

The majority of Broadway productions tend to open either in the fall (October / November) or in spring (March / April). These new shows play alongside the long-running Broadway musicals, which run throughout the year. There can occasionally be quite a few changes over a period of a few months, with some productions closing at relatively short notice.

Discover new shows opening soon on Broadway here. 

Is there a particular dress code for the theatres?

It does not matter what you wear nowadays to gain entry to the theatres in New York. Both formal and informal clothing is accepted.

Find out what to wear on Broadway and how to dress for the theatre in New York here.

Can I eat and/or drink at the theatre?

You are allowed to drink water, soft drinks, or alcoholic drinks that are purchased at the venue. Certain venues allow audiences to bring their own sealed refreshments, but many Broadway theatres do not.

Do you tip theatre ushers on Broadway?

You do not have to tip theatre ushers on Broadway, or at any New York theatre. If you feel compelled to tip, we recommend up to $5.

Can I meet a performer after the show?

At some theatres, it is not permitted for the actors to sign anything except the playbill of the particular show they are appearing in. Some actors can be greeted by the stage door of the theatre after a performance, but many shows still disallow audience members from meeting actors after a show amid the pandemic.


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