I Will Come Like a Thief at 78th Street Theatre Lab
78th Street Theatre Lab and Morning Line Productions presents I Will Come Like a Thief, by Trish Harnetiaux, opening at 78th Street Theatre Lab on the 13 May 2006, following previews from the 11 May and running through to the 4 Jun 2006.
I Will Come Like a Thief investigates what happens when people are abruptly confronted with disaster and are forced to make decisions about their own survival. Eight radically different individuals learn their city is on the brink of destruction, and in that finite, precious and defining time between warning and disaster, each decides how to respond.
I Will Come Like a Thief's cast, directed by Jude Domski, features Arthur Acuna, Henry Afro-Bradley, JJ Auczkiewicz, Carey Cromelin, Loris Diran, Michael Colby Jones and Corey Tazmania Stieb.
The play has set design by Sarah Pearline, costumes by Lex Liang, lighting by Justin Partier and sound by Simon Taufique.
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