He�s Having a Baby at Altered Stages

VBAC Productions presents He�s Having a Baby, written and performed by Andrew Kaplan and directed by Cosmin Chivu, at Altered Stages from 3 - 23 Dec 2007.

He�s Having a Baby: The trials and tribulations of young couple�s attempt to start a family. The audience experiences the male point-of-view of the problems, anxieties, and stress of a process they expected to be easy and was supposed to be fun.

This autobiographical journey begins when the young man is six years old and follows him on the many chapters of his quest. The innocence, the attempts, attempts, and more attempts, the worries, what the sperm must be thinking, pregnancy, miscarriage, incompetent doctors, pregnancy again, what the fetus must be thinking, three months of bed rest, emergency c-section and finally elation.

The creative team comprises Evan O�Brient (sets & lighting) and Kevin Swanlund (sound).

Originally published on

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