Girl Gang at the Atlantic Stage Two

Angry Girl Gang Productions presents Girl Gang, music & lyrics by David G. Smith, book by Mark W. Knowles, opening at Atlantic Stage Two on 24 Sep 2007, following previews from 22 Sep and running through to 30 Sep 2007, as part of the New York Musical Theatre Festival

Girl Gang: Follow DiDi, a clean teen looking to escape her sordid home life, down a path of infamy and eventual redemption in a reform school with other girls gone wild. See our big city's delinquent daughters headed for the juvenile justice system's underworld, singing and swinging their way through hell!

Directed by Mark W. Knowles, Girl Gang featured Jodie Bentley, Jaye Maynard, Marnie Baumer, Richard Butler, Dan Campbell, Jen Kays, Kathleen O'Regan, Amy Russ, and Mark W. Knowles.

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