Dick Cheney's Holiday Spectacular 2006! a satirical musical revue at the Ace of Clubs

Billionaires For Bush presents the musical political satire Dick Cheney's Holiday Spectacular 2006!, at the Ace of Clubs from 3 - 20 Dec 2006.

Written by Billionaires For Bush's writing team, headed by Melody Bates and David Bennett, Dick Cheney's Holiday Spectacular 2006! takes place on Christmas Eve.

A beleaguered last-minute shopper is desperate to find the hottest toy of the season at All-Mart when a holiday shopping brawl knocks her unconscious and catapults her into� Dick Cheney's Holiday Spectacular 2006! It a macabre, hilarious world of bling, billionaires, and season's Greed-ings featuring all of Dick's favorite carols.

Directed by Mahayana Landowne and choreographed by DJ McDonald, Dick Cheney's Holiday Spectacular 2006!, is performed by The Billionaire Follies, the performing wing of Billionaires For Bush.

Billionaires For Bush is a national do-it-yourself grassroots media campaign using humor and street theatre whose mission is to expose politicians who support corporate interests at the expense of everyday Americans.

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