'Dedication or The Stuff Of Dreams' has now extended to the 16 Oct 2005
Primary Stages has announced that Terrence McNally's Dedication or The Stuff of Dreams, has extended for a second time and is now booking to the 16 Oct 2005.
Dedication or The Stuff of Dreams opened at 59E59's Theatre A on the 18 Aug 2005, following previews from the 26 Jul 2005. This limited engagement was originally to end on the 18 Sep 2005.
Dedication or The Stuff of Dreams cast, directed by Michael Morris, features: Don Amendolia (Lou Nuncle), Marian Seldes (Annabelle Willard), Michael Countryman, Alison Fraser (Jessie Nuncle), Darren Pettie, R.E. Rodgers and Miriam Shor (Ida).
R.E.Rodgers will be leaving the cast on the 2 Oct and will be replaced on the 4 Oct by Matthew Mabe
Nathan Lane (Lou Nuncle), who starred alongside Miriam Seldes in the opening cast, left the show on the 5 Sep to begin rehearsals on the upcoming Broadway Production of The Odd Couple.
Dedication or The Stuff of Dreams concerns a life-changing encounter between Lou and Jessie Nuncle, the producers of a struggling children�s theatre, and Annabelle Willard, the owner of an abandoned grand theatre the Nuncle�s covet.
The show received average to poor notices from the popular press. New York Daily News said "Only the most dedicated will have the stamina to sit through this unwieldy play to see a wonderful performance by Marian Seldes and a nicely subdued one by Nathan Lane." The Hollywood reporter said "All that's really illuminated is the decline of playwright Terrence McNally, and Nathan Lane's limits as an actor."
Our own reviewer, Polly Wittenberg, enjoyed the show and wrote "Good as he (Nathan Lane) is, he can be replaced. Not so Miss Seldes. Go and enjoy."
To read the rest of Polly's review and what the critics said click here
This is the newest play from the Tony Award-winning author of 'The Stendhal Syndrome' (which received its world premiere at Primary Stages), 'Frankie and Johnny in the Claire de Lune,' 'Master Class,' 'Love! Valour! Compassion!,' 'Lips Together, Teeth Apart' and 'The Lisbon Traviata'
Dedication or The Stuff of Dreams has scenic design by Narelle Sissons, costume design by Laura Crow, lighting design by Jeff Croiter and sound by Lindsay Jones. The Production Stage Manager is Emily N. Wells.
(For further information click here.)
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