'Come Away' at the Producers Club II Theatre
CubeCity Entertainment, Inc. presents Come Away, by the Moon brothers at the Producers Club II Theatre from the 30 Jun - 3 Jul 2005.
The musical sees The Beatles - the British Fab Four - narrate the classic Jewish romance about Ruth and Boaz.
The young widow Ruth (a modern-day Palestinian) leaves her native land of Moab to pledge loyalty to her aging Jewish mother-in-law. In turn, Naomi becomes a matchmaker for Ruth and the kind, handsome landowner, Boaz...proving that if such a pair could get along then, maybe there�s hope today for peace, not only in the Middle East, but in the world beyond.
The Beatles feature in Come Away as 'The Minstrels', who find themselves in the employment of the story�s hero, Boaz. The Beatles act as narratives to move the story along, while also playing into the story�s final resolution.
The cast features Erin Wegner Brooks (Ruth), Debra Wassum (Naomi), Kyle Minshew (Boaz), Gabriel Beck (The Rival), Stacy Sutphen (Orpah), David Reck (John), Billy Baraw (Paul), Kevin J. Guzewich (George), Martin Riddell (Pete), Daniela Mastropietro (Angel of Mercy), Janna Kefalas (Angel of Mourning), Laura Perloe (Angel of Hope).
Cast also includes: Benjamin Brooks, Aliza Calvert, Abigail Chaon, T J Chernow, Shereaka Clarke, Marilyn Kaplan, Joanna Mayfield, Pamela McKenna, Vania Muller, Stephanie Queiroz, Christa Quiles, Emily Riordan, Sydney Sahr.
Come Away is directed by Roberto Munoz, with choreography by Mandi Bedbury and costumes by Marla Palmer.
(For further information click here.)
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