Barry White: Guided By Destiny at the Times Square Arts Center
Wabi Sabi Productions presents th musical Barry White: Guided By Destiny, conceived by Emmitt Thrower, at the Times Square Arts Center from 14 - 24 Jun 2007.
Barry White: Guided By Destiny The story focuses on the Barry White you don't know. The Barry that struggled mightily to overcome poverty, gangs, violence, and a life of crime to achieve his measure of success.
Directed by Emmitt Thrower, Barry White: Guided By Destiny features Emmitt Thrower, Lanar, Gezele Portwood, Venus Adore, Pamela Cornelius, Jessica Opong, Karen Amatrading, Valentine Aprile, Eddy Privitizer, Leonard Cornish, Henry Grant, Robert Powell and Michael Robinson.
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