After the Rain at La MaMa's First Floor Theatre

Yara Arts Group presents After the Rain, based on Japanese short stories by Ryunosuke Akutagwa, at La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club's First Floor Theater from 4 - 20 Apr 2008.

After the Rain: Three stories by Akutagawa form the core of the production: 'Rashomon,' 'Magic,' and 'Mandarins.' Although these stories take place in various times, places and contexts, the production weaves them into one man's somewhat surrealistic journey, starting at Kyoto's Rashomon Gate during a famine 800years ago. Against his own moral believes, a young unemployed Samurai is forced to become a robber. The second story, "Magic," is set in the Taisho period (1912-1926). A man visits a magician to learn his craft to find out it can that only be used if no greed is involved. The last part is based on the story "Mandarin," that takes place inside a train compartment. An old man, perhaps the same person as in the previous stories, is saved by a young country girl, who selflessly throws mandarins to boys waving to the train.

After the Rain features Robert Torigoe, Kazue Tani and Stephanie Silver.

Created, directed and designed by Watoku Ueno as a theatrical collage of Akutagawa's short stories. After the Rain features original Japanese costumes, and folk songs as well as contemporary live music and projection images, dance and shadow puppets.

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