Actor Pat Hingle dies aged 84

Veteran stage and screen actor, Pat Hingle, as died aged 81. The actor died at his home in Carolina Beach, North Carolina on 3 Jan 2009 from leukemia

Hingle was born Martin Patterson Hingle in Denver, Colorado on 19 Jul 1924. He enrolled at the University of Texas in 1941, but dropped out to serve in the US Navy during WWII. He returned to the the University of Texas after the war where he acquired a degree in radio broadcasting.

He survived a nearly fatal accident in 1960 when he fell 54 feet down the lift shaft in his apartment building, fracturing his skull and breaking many of the bones on the left side of his body, as well as amputating his left little finger.

Hingle was known for playing authority figures, often portraying police offices and judges. Though not all his characters were law-abiding, and his large physical stature and rugged looks stood him equally well for portraying hoodlums.

Hingle appeared in 20 Broadway productioins from 'End as a Man' (Harold Koble: 1953) to '1776' (Benjamin Franklin: 1997 revival). He was nominated for a Tony Award for his role as 'Rubin Flood' in 'The Dark at the Top of the Stairs' (1957).

His many film's include 'Hang 'Em High' (1968), 'Sudden Impact' (1983), 'Road To Redemption' (2001), 'When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder?' (1979), 'Maximum Overdrive' (1986), 'The Grifters' (1990), 'Citizen Cohn' (1992) and many more.

He will be particularly remembered for playing the iconic role of Gotham City's police commissioner 'James Gordon' in the first four Batman movies.

Hingle is survived by his second wife, Julia Wright, and five children and 11 grandchildren.

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