Bush Wars at Actors Playhouse

Help is On the Way, LLC presents Bush Wars: Musical Revenge, book and lyrics by Nancy Holson, at the Actors Playhouse from 22 Sep 2006.

Bush Wars: Musical Revenge: Told through 16 musical parodies and dozens of costume changes, BUSH WARS sinks its talons into everything from Dick Cheney literally in bed with the oil companies to the Supreme Court�s 'right hand turn' and from 'Republican training school' to George W. in a soft shoe number with his bosom buddy, Jesus!

The musical takes a funny but insightful look at how America�s current government has undermined The Geneva Convention, Science (Evolution and The Environment), Personal Security, Truth, Competence, Religious Freedom, Personal Freedom, The Courts, The Brain Dead and yes, Democracy itself!

Directed by Nancy Holson and Jay Falzone, Bush Wars: Musical Revenge features Jay Falzone, Mamie Parris, Abigail Nessen, Chris Van Hoy, Jason Levinson and Alexander Rovang.

Choreography by Jay Falzone, with costumes by Gail Cooper-Hecht and lighting by Scott Borowka.

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