Artfuckers at DR2 Theatre

Artfuckers, by Michael Domitrovich, opens at DR2 Theatre on 19 Feb 2008, following previews from 5 Feb 2008. Theplay is currently booking through to 25 May 2008.

Artfuckers: About the second generation artistic elite of Downtown Manhattan � the privileged children of the money-art scenesters of the 1980's � follows a group of hot, creative twentysomethings who are collaborating on their friend's debut showing at New York Fashion week. Using sex, status and New York City street smarts, the characters live in a world where everything is allowed and nothing is questioned� as long as it�s in the name of art.

Directed by Michael Domitrovich, Artfuckers features Nicole LaLiberte, Will Janowitz, Asher Grodman, Jessica Kaye and Tuomas Hiltunen.

The creative team comprises Maruti Evans (sets), Margaret Moy (costumes) and Ken Hypes (sound).

Originally published on

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