Bound In A Nutshell, a one-act Hamlet, at the Cherry Lane Theatre

Moonwork, Inc present Bound In A Nutshell, a one-act version of Shakespeare's Hamlet, adapted by Gregory Wolfe and Gregory Sherman, at the Cherry Lane Theatre from 9 - 23 Aug 2008, as part of the New York International Fringe Festival.

Bound In A Nutshell: Set in a modern-day prison, complete with security cameras, prison guards and torture chambers. From this vantage point, the play depicts Hamlet's incarceration and trial for murder of Polonius and Ophelia's testimony against him. While a prosecutor builds a case of circumstantial evidence, security cameras watch Hamlet's every move as he plots revenge against his father's assassins.

Directed by Gregory Wolfe, Bound In A Nutshell features Christopher Haas (Hamlet), Monique Vukovic (Ophelia), Kathy Keane, Gregory Sherman, Andrew Uhlenhopp, Christopher Yates and Zachary Zito.

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