"Big Love" By Charles L. Mee at Theatre For The New City from 27 Feb 2004
Fri 13 Feb 2004 "Big Love" By Charles L. Mee at Theatre For The New City from 27 Feb 2004 Early Stages Productions presents Big Love, by Charles L. Mee, at Theatre For The New City, 155 1st Avenue (Off Broadway), from 27 Feb to 14 Mar 2004. Directed by Jeff Griffin, designed by Cameron Anderson, lighting by Ruth H. Pitzer, choreography by Christine O�Grady, and costumes by Mattie Ullrich. BIG LOVE is the sprawling comedy of 50 sisters unwillingly betrothed to their 50 cousins, who flee the altar in Greece and seek refuge in an Italian villa. Based on what is considered to be the oldest surviving Greek play, The Suppliant Women by Aeschelus, Mee�s modernized tale is a sexy, brutal, high-energy romp that clashes classical and contemporary views of love and marriage.
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