The story begins during The Panic of 1837 when banks were failing all over New York and corrupt banker Gideon Bloodgood is about to empty his bank and abscond. A dastardly deed occurs – witnessed by a lone clerk – and his bank is saved. Fast-forward 20 years to The Panic of 1857 and the chickens come home to roost. The Streets of New York is indeed a tale of two cities where power and wealth live alongside poverty and hunger. Sound familiar? Boucicault’s 19th Century world fits right into our 21st with its darkness and restrictions. But our story, with its heartfelt music and songs, fills our stage with hope and the victory of the power of good. One day soon, we will surely be headed in that light-filled direction.
Based on Dion Boucicault’s play of the same name and with adaptation, songs & direction by Charlotte Moore, The Streets of New York was first staged at Irish Rep in 2002, when it was nominated for two Drama League Awards. The production also ran at the Westport Country Playhouse in 2003.
December 4th, 2021
January 30th, 2022
The Streets of New York is indeed a tale of two cities where power and wealth live alongside poverty and hunger. But this musical adaption fills the Irish Rep stage with hope and the victory of the power of good.
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