
What the press had to say.....

"I was quite happy (and occasionally rapturous) during the show�s first half. But by its second, I felt it had crossed the line from hypnotic into narcotic."
Ben Brantley
New York Times

"Proves to be a trying experiment - one whose fascination ends well before the 3-hour mark when the prince of Denmark takes his last breath....It's easy to applaud the troupe's daring. Not so their busy and murky endurance test. "
Joe Dziemianowicz
New York Daily News

"For all the disciplined efforts of the performers, who go through their duplicating motions with an impressive precision, the effect wears thin long before the conclusion of the show's nearly three-hour running time."
Frank Scheck
New York Post

""Hamlet" effectively weds two strains of the company's work. It proves such a remarkably strong marriage, in fact, that the show ends up resonating as more than just a "Hamlet" for our fast-forward, instant-replay age, but one for the ages."
Linda Winer

"For more than 30 years the Wooster Group has staged experimental shows of all sorts. Its latest promises to be a fascinating experiment with Shakespeare's tragedy, but fizzles all too quickly in its tube. The resulting smell is "something rotten" indeed...after 15 minutes of watching the Wooster Group jerking "Hamlet" around with all the charm of zombies, any novelty wears off and tedium soon prevails."
Michael Sommers

"Technically impressive, if ultimately questionable, efforts."
Eric Grode
New York Sun

"It might not generate the soul-stirring emotional responses of the tragedy when it's powerfully played in traditional mode, but intellectually, Wooster-does-Will is as rigorous as it is relentless."
David Rooney

Originally published on

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