In Japan, there is a style of comedy known as batsu game (罰ゲーム), where comedians compete in challenges of all kinds with the losers receiving a punishment. BATSU! NYC brings this comedy style to America, with comedians competing to avoid electric shocks, paintballs, a giant egg-smashing chicken, and many more hilarious jaw-dropping punishments!
With a yokocho (横丁・横町) vibe, behind an unassuming door in the East Village, transport yourself to the alleyways of Tokyo with authentic food, drinks, and fun.
"If you're lucky enough to live in a city where BATSU is playing, we only have one piece of advice: Go see BATSU!"
"This is truly our favorite thing we’ve ever seen, anywhere."
January 10th, 2011
Ages 21+.
Day of week | Evening |
Monday | - |
Tuesday | - |
Wednesday | 7:00 PM |
Thursday | 7:00 PM |
Friday | - |
Saturday | - |
Sunday | - |
See BATSU! NYC in New York now. Find out more information and get tickets to BATSU! NYC off Broadway.
The running time of BATSU! NYC is 2hr.
BATSU! NYC is playing at Kogame. The theatre is located at 67 First Avenue, Entrance on East 4th Street, New York, 10003.
Tickets for BATSU! NYC start at $43.
The recommended age for BATSU! NYC is Ages 21+..
Book tickets for BATSU! NYC on New York Theatre Guide.
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