Afrique en Cirque Tickets
Bronx, New York

Afrique en Cirque Tickets

Afrique en Cirque: What to expect - 1
Afrique en Cirque Tickets

About Afrique en Cirque

Afrique en Cirque is a show by Yamoussa Bangoura, inspired by daily life in Guinea. This performance shares the beauty, youth and artistry of African culture. A colorful show beyond its scenery, costumes and staging, it makes any theatre vibrate with energy and represents the strength, agility and life's joys of young Africans. The audience will see acrobats execute gravity-defying moves and human pyramids, accompanied by the contemporary sounds of live Afro-Jazz, percussion, and kora. Welcome to the universe of Kalabanté Productions, and prepare for an unforgettable journey.



Tickets for children age 12 or younger may be purchased through the box office for $10.

Start date

February 4th, 2024

End date

February 4th, 2024


250 Bedford Park Blvd West, Bronx, New York, USA, 10468


Unfortunately, tickets for this event are no longer available.

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