Dear Liar Tickets
New York, NY

Dear Liar Tickets

Dear Liar: What to expect - 1
Dear Liar Tickets

About Dear Liar

Dear Liar
by Jerome Kilty, George Bernard Shaw
Directed by Charlotte Moore
Adapted from the legendary correspondence between George Bernard Shaw and celebrated actress Mrs. Patrick Campbell, Jerome Kilty's Dear Liar explores the relationship between these two fiery and fascinating personalities. In Kilty's masterful compilation between "Stella and Joey"... (which they nicknamed one another)... in scenes of both lovemaking and furious confrontation, they verbally duel with each other, all the while making passionate love through their gorgeously exorbitant exchanges.

David Staller, who has dedicated two decades to all things Shavian, embodies George Bernard Shaw as no other actor could possibly approach, and the Tony-nominated Melissa Errico, acclaimed for her performance as Eliza Doolittle, consumes the role of Mrs. Patrick Campbell, who was herself Shaw's original Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion.

Production History:
The Irish Repertory Theatre last produced Dear Liar in 1999. Directed by Charlotte Moore, it starred Marian Seldes, who won the Outer Critics Circle Award for her performance as Mrs. Pat, and distinguished Irish Actor Donal Donnelly as George Bernard Shaw.

Melissa Errico
David Staller

Start date

April 25th, 2023

End date

April 30th, 2023



132 West 22nd Street, New York, NY, United States, 10011
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