Htler’s Tasters, written by Michelle Kholos Brooks, directed by Sarah Norris, and featuring an all-female identifying team, is a unique theatrical event that is a fictional retelling of a largely unknown story of the young German women conscripted to taste Adolf Hitler’s food for poison. This dark comedy explores the way girls navigate sexuality, friendship, and patriotism during the Third Reich. Using an anachronistic retelling of an historical footnote, Htler’s Tasters considers what girls discuss as they wait to see if they will survive another meal. The 85-minute piece is enhanced by dance and a captivating soundtrack.
“One of the best evenings I’ve spent in the theater in a long time…It was interesting, entertaining, upsetting and made you think.” – Susan Stroman, Legendary Director
85 mins (no intermission)
April 21st, 2022
May 21st, 2022
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